Hawkeye Nationals Medalists
Casen Sparks and Evan Staples placed 2nd and 4th at Hawkeye Nationals. The AWC community is very proud of them.
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1 - Fargo Qualifier (Reagan Stephenson)
252 - The AWC had a record setting 252 active club members attending practices.
2 - The AWC had 2 state champions
(Kyle Dobson, Jace Weaver)
7 - The AWC placed 7th at Super Pee Wee
2 - The AWC had 2 Girl State Medalist
9 - The AWC had 7 Super Pee Wee Medalist
43 - The AWC had 43state qualifiers
238 - The AWC hosted 238 wrestlers across the state at the Beginners Tournament